Wednesday, August 04, 2010

her best friend is a guy..his best friend is a girl..

it have been quite a long time till i decided write bout tis..

since i was in primary school i prefer to have a male friend insted of female..yup maybe coz i close wif my brother and all the anak jiran oso boy plus their game are more intersting..hehehe
kalo ngan girl balik-balik mein anak patung..sungguh x best..kalo wif my brother gi wat kemah panjat bumbung opis en.abah lah, gi parit tangkap ikan lah..(yer time nih mE™ suke mein ngan telur katak..eeee jijik) it was very adventurous compare mein masak-masak n mein kawen-kawen bluwek* busan..
kalo ngan my brother kite org mein masak2 jugak tapi real punyer masak..masak nasi dalam tin susu, pas tu goreng ikan bilis atas tutup tin bersam dengan cili padi..pergh sedap ooo~~ tapi biler besor nih nak masak nasi pun maleh..

eh macam dah lari tajuk jer.. ngeee~~

back to the topic..ever since tat mE™ memang close ngan guys..tapi kat kawasan rumah jer, kat sekolah masing-masing buat x kenal..motip?? ntah sungguh x paham..

biler dah masuk secondary school mE™ still the same lebih selesa borak ngan guys for certain my BFF tetap lah girls..mase zaman menengah rendah mE™ paling benci cintan cintun nih..eee geli taik telinge dengar ader orang minat2 nih..siriyes mE™ memang brutal lah tat time..form 1 dah jadi vandalisme gi kopakkan pintu toilet yg patut ditutup..motip? ntah saje suke2..sampai kene marah ngan penyelia petang...(jawapan untuk cikgu "saya malas lah nk turun tingkat 1 untuk gi tandas cikgu buang mase turun tangga tu" menjawab memang first class) mase nih budak2 lelaki dh label mE™ as minah brutal..

dalam pada brutal nih..tiba-tiba dalam hati ade taman..huahuahua...tapi ego kene jage..
zaman nih lah lelaki yg aktif dipadang di puja..huuu~~ macamkan derang masuk peringkat negara..padahal peringkat sekolah jer pun..mase nih jugak lah i met wif my best friend who is a guy =D..
mule-mule kawan..lame tibe2 rase suke pulak..tapi we all maintain kawan sampai masing2 habis sekolah..
tis guy is the place where i spill everything out..bile tension i'll call him, bile happy pun akan call him..sumtime tu sampai sendiri pun konpius either i like him as a friend or wanting him more than just a friend?

till both of us dah abis sekolah..we made a decision to give a try for a serious was gud in the beginning till one day he realize tat i'm not the one for first it kinda hard to accept it..but somehow have to admit it tat we are gud to be just friend..which we could share everything, as a friend...kalo dah serious macam susah nk share everything sebab nak menjaga hati satu sama lain..

today, he still the place where i'll go to mengadu wen i'm's not tat we met up often ..but just wif a call will do. he'll listen to wat i'm rambling about as i memang banyak cakap huhuhu sumtime i do wondering why our relationship didn't work out back then..but i do realize i don't want to loose him as my gud friend sampai sumtime bergaduh wif my boyfriend.. padahal berkali-kali dah bagitau he is just friend not more than that..yup it's true tat we once dating but it's already in the past..the truth mE™ memang dah x der rase aper towards him unless as a friend..he even have a girl friend..

one day i found and read a book title "where rainbows end" by Cecilia ahern
for those who had read the book don't get's doesn't mean that i'm still hoping for my best friend it's just tat i'm questioning do a girl and a boy can be just friend not more than tat...x der rase the awkward silent tetibe..huurmmm~~

how bout being friend wif your ex? could u do tat?
yeay like mE™, we are once friend then lover then back 2 be friend again..
how a bout from a lover to be just friend? (memang dari mula never think to be just friend)
i's not eazy..sebab sayang itu masih ader..
it's not eazy sebab akan ader perkara luka melukai..
it's not eazy sebab both know each other punye kelemahan..
rase nak hilang terus from his world..but it's not as eazy as we said...
because of tat i would prefer not to treat my boyfriend as my bestfriend which i share everything, after this..
coz they said, when we give everything we'll be left with nothing =( hurmmm
tapi kalo suami tu lein cite la hockay...

well tat's all for today...

voice message: ape aje da aku merepek di petang2 hari nih..nampak sangat busan dah wat kije..busan!!!!! resign lah...

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