waiting for my so called beauty regimen (sile muntah) and oso waiting for my head hitting the pillow.
it just happen i recently have a serious conversation with one of my friend bout our activity for next year..and yeah we finally decided to go for~~~
asking around bout the package either to do it crash course or take time in order to get the licence. then need to decide the place for the dives sipadan? redang? or perhentian. i did asked around for the best price i could get. and finally we have decided for sipadan and it gonna take 6 days..wuuhuuu~~ the flight have been booked. now the only thing need to confirm is the course. yup i already ask the course organizer. yeay can't wait for June 2011 to come..howyeayyyyy~~ there gonna be 4 or 5 of us. 3 already confirm 1 belum beli tix lagi anyone else wanna join???. as for now the tix cost us RM 194/head. scuba diving course gonna cost us around RM 1.7k dangggg!!~~~ there goes my money...
now i can start listing what to prepare as this trip will be backpackers trip so i will make sure i'll pack as light as i can. it's hard for me to pack light coz normally i'll ensure i bring everything which is possible for me to use eventho i just need to get back to my parents. (i'm a freeeeaaaaakkk!!) the main thing which i really need is a backpack. things that must have are; 1.sunblock 2.swimming suits 3.bikini (hahaha tipu) 4.waterproof camera casing for my t700 (tis also gonna cost me some money -_-") 5.lots of long sleeve t-shirts. ok stop the as for now nanti2 boleh fikir lagi...but those 5 are the most important i could think of as for now.
insyaAllah really hope i could make it for this trip. wlaupun kerja ku yang still uncertain till now. where is my next project??could u tell me boss!! i really..really..really wanna know where is the place u gonna put me for my next assignment. so guys could u please pray for me, so that i could make it or this trip. it's one of things which i really wanna do in my life.
here some picture which i ask from en.gugel.
en.turtle saye mau jumpe encik bulan june nanti eh..encik jangan lari tau.
wanna be one of them..insaAllah
lagi en.turtle yang comel.
voice massage: sile simpan duit untuk mencapai impian dan cita-cita anda yer cik aino -_-. no more unnecessary shopping starting from now. watch wat u eat too erk is it means no more indulgence treat for myself?? -_-" sob*sob*sob*
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