setiap orang yang mempunyai kawan. dari kecil sampai besar kite selalu diingatkan,
kawan sama-sama ketawa senang di cari. tapi kawan yang sama-sama menangis...sukar di cari.."
alhamdulillah i've found a few friends who will always be by my side thru thick and thin. and Azlin is one of them.
walaupun we only known each other for just 4 years, but its a wonderful 4 years..we've spend times for many things.
.yeah remember the morning u asked me to teman you watch the basikal..erghh the mat saleh bubuh bedak..wat an event to start u'r day hahaha..the hot air ballon...the bandung trip..sadly i can't join for sabah trip..those adventure in sky park shah alam and ATV ride in Melaka. Those teary nites and rescue nite...huhuhu yeah tat's a lot for 4years of friendship.
so today is the day which we need to celebrate after soooo many celebrations before. This the best for you my dear. the day which you have been unite with no other, but your mr.right.
nyway let enjoy some picts during u'r big day =)
Gedixness by the anak daras..hehehe |
above pictures was after the solemnization. Alhamdulillah dengan dua kali lafaz, they are now husband and wife. adalah sangat sebak perasaan pada waktu itu *_*
gedixness tak boleh di buang -__-' |
some pictures from the reception. and as usual saye juge bertugas di majlis ini. sebagai penyambut tetamu hehehe comel kan ^_^
Kesopanan dan kesulilaan ^_^ |
Dua pictures kat atas was us from xXx with the pengantin. all of was partner in crime mase kat xXx..wuuu those memories memang terbaik..!!
2 married couples and 1 coming soon insyaAllah |
Huhuhuhu sempat nak
enterprem kan.. =P
*obviously i'm escaping my duty here -_-*
Noor Azlin & Rahimi
Selamat Pengantin Baru
Semoga Berbahagia ke akhir hayat...
*cepat-cepat buat anak yer ~_^* |
voice massage: arghh..the time is ticking...!!!